As the most used messaging platform in the world, with more than 2 billion active accounts, WhatsApp is also a playing field for scammers that they take advantage of to perpetrate all types of deceptions with which to deceive their victims. A common feature is initiate contact with the victim through a message sent from a distant country. In these cases, and unless it happens that you know someone in one of them, You can be sure that this is a scam attempt and what is intended is that geographical distance makes it difficult to track criminal activity. We review the most commonly used prefixes on WhatsApp from which scams are carried out and the most common types.
The prefix +62 corresponds to Indonesia, a country that has become one of the common origins of scam messages on WhatsApp. Those made from Indonesian numbers often include Quick and easy loan offers, sale of products at unusually low pricesor even messages that They purport to be technical support services requesting remote access to the device of the victim to resolve alleged problems.
The prefix +685 belongs to Western Samoa. Lottery and prize scamsin which victims are informed that they have won a substantial prize and request payment of 'fees' to release the money, are particularly common.
South Africa, with the prefix +27, is one of the countries from which many of these scam attempts originate. The most common include messages that They pretend to be from banks, requesting confidential information, or even supposed investment opportunities that promise great returns. Scammers play on urgency and fear, trying to get victims to act quickly without verifying the authenticity of the message.
The prefix +216 of Tunisia It is another one that frequently appears in WhatsApp scam information. Fraudulent messages from Tunisian numbers often include malicious links which, if clicked, can download malware to the user's device or direct them to phishing sites to steal personal and financial information.
From numbers with the prefix +94 of Sri Lankascammers often pose as friends and family in need who urgently need money. These messages appeal to the compassion of victims, manipulating them into transferring funds quickly without verifying the veracity of the situation.
Uganda, with the prefix +256, is another common country in WhatsApp scams. Here, cybercriminals often employ social engineering tactics, such as pretending to be authorities or a trusted figure to request money transfers or sensitive information. Also common are romantic scamswhere criminals establish false romantic relationships to eventually ask their victims for money.
The prefix +222 belongs to Mauritania. Scammers using numbers from this country often target frauds related to fake jobs and business opportunities. They promise high-paying jobs or investments in non-existent projects, asking victims to send money to cover 'administrative expenses' or 'start-up costs'.