The arrival of successive fronts associated with atlantic storms will bring winter cold, rain and snowe, with minimum temperatures that will be up to 10ºC below normal for the time of year, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).
This Tuesday the skies will generally be clearer as there will be a greater predominance of high pressures and precisely this anticyclonic weather is what will make it colder. That icy feeling will increase due to the wind that will blow especially in the north of the Peninsula.
As for the precipitation, will be limited to the easternmost Cantabrian Sea, although it may rain or snow somewhat in parts of the Pyrenees. However, there will be weak rainfall with a snow level above about 800 to 1,000 meters.
The coastal phenomena due to very strong gusts of wind will put in yellow alert for Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country. On the coast of Galicia the wind will blow at 50 to 61 km/h (force 7) and also in Cantabria and the Basque Country, while on the Asturian coast it will occasionally have intensity of 62 to 74 km/h (force 8) with waves between 4 and 5 meters.
He wednesday sIt will be a similar day, with anticyclonic weather and practically no rain, except in the western end of Galicia and it is not ruled out that some stormy showers could fall in isolated parts of Catalonia. The frosts will intensify and it will be mid-winter cold since in a good part of the northern plateau and the central zone temperatures will drop to -2ºC or -4ºC.
Temperatures will be recorded in the north and center of the country between 3º and 5º lower than normal for this time of year and even in points of the northern third and the central zone these minimum temperatures may be between 5º and 10ºC below normal. However, during the day, milder southerly winds will begin to blow, temperatures will rise and in the Mediterranean and in the southern third the maximum temperature will exceed 18º to 20ºC.
Radical change due to the arrival of a storm
He Thursday the arrival of a atlantic storm It will cover the skies and leave rain in a good part of the west and center of the Peninsula, which will also be abundant in Galicia and in the westernmost surroundings of the central system, that is, in the extreme south of Castilla y León and in the extreme north of Estremadura.
These rains may extend to the eastern half of the Peninsula, although they will be weaker, and hardly any rain is expected in the Mediterranean. In the Balearic Islands there is no rain forecast either, although there is forecast for suspended dust driven by southern winds. The snow level on Thursday will be around 1,200 to 1,400 meters at the end of the day.
As for the temperatures, the minimums will rise on Thursday due to the effect of the wind and greater cloudiness, so the frosts will be restricted to mountain areas. The atmosphere during the central hours of the day will be cooler in the southwest, although daytime temperatures will rise in the rest of the country and may exceed 18º to 20ºC in Eastern Andalusia, parts of the Murcia region and also in parts of the Cantabrian area.
This situation of atmospheric instability will continue for the rest of the week and will affect large areas of the territory, still undetermined, although perhaps the southeastern area of the Peninsula, which is where it has rained the least in recent months, will be somewhat more outside of this general rain situation. Facing the weekendtemperatures will drop again and this unusual cold environment will continue for the beginning of March.