On June 5, The Upper House approved by 147 votes in favor and 103 against, including those of the PSOE, a Proposal of Law of the Popular Party, whose objective is to include members of the National Police Corps and the Civil Guard within the list of risk professions in Spain. Specifically, the initiative, which modifies a Social Security decree, had the favorable votes of PP, Vox and UPN, while PSOE, ERC, Bildu and Sumar voted against. Junts and PNV, for their part, abstained.
In this way, the Senate will continue with the processing of this rule, which seeks to include these agents, as well as those of the Customs Surveillance Service, within the groups that enjoy a reduction coefficient for the retirement age, due to the “dangerousness of their work”. Norm that Now it must be endorsed in the Congress of Deputies for it to come into force, where there is also a non-legal Proposition registered for the real and total equality of the National Police and the Civil Guard, as well as their early retirement. And this is where Sánchez and his government partners will have the last word.
Because from the Executive, for the moment, the agents have only obtained silence. Precisely, Justice has ruled on this administrative silence. The Supreme Court has admitted an appeal contentious-administrative case registered by the Police Justice union (Jupol), for correct the coefficients reducing the retirement age of the national police. It's more, gives a period of 20 days to the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, directed by Félix Bolaños, to send the corresponding administrative file. Specifically, it refers to a request on this matter presented by Jupol to the Council of Ministers, which has not yet been answered.
The Supreme Court gives the Government 20 days' time
In this way, the High Court “obliges” the Executive of Pedro Sánchez to give a responsealthough it specifies that “an appeal for reconsideration may be filed against this resolution before the Lawyer of the Administration of Justice, within a period of five days from the date of notification.”
From Jupol, its general secretary, Aaron Rivero, showed his satisfaction with the Supreme Court's decision and advocated for the work carried out by this union, from “different fronts, in a serious manner and without demagoguery, populism or falsehoods.” It must be remembered that the National Police and the Civil Guard are the only State Corps that are not part of the list of risk professions. For this reason, unlike the mossos, ertzainas, Provincial Police and local police, the “dangerousness” of their work is not taken into account and the coefficient reducing the retirement age is not applied to them. To wit: since January 2018 (the year in which the so-called Salary Equalization Agreement was signed), until today, a retired national police officer would have lost more than 75,000 euros with respect to a mosso d'esquadra. A fact that, in Rivero's opinion, “is unacceptable and contradicts the maxim of same job, same salary and same retirement“.
And this discrimination causes a civil guard or a retired national police officer to earn up to 12,625 euros less per year than a regional police officer. The reason? While a regional agent retires early (59 years) without any loss of purchasing power, a National Police agent does suffer a reduction in the remuneration he receives upon retirement (around 900 euros per month compared to an ertzaina or mosso). At this point, Jupol points out its fight for equality in the Ombudsman. So much so, that on June 1, this institution reported that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, headed by Elma Saiz, had initiated the procedures “to establish reducing coefficients and anticipate the retirement age in the Social Security system.” He did so through a letter, signed by his first deputy, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril.