“the heat will get worse”

During the weekend temperatures will be cooler in much of northern and eastern Spain, although the heat will continue in the southwest of the peninsula. In addition, there will be the possibility of storms in parts of the north and east of the Peninsula. Looking ahead to next week, the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) warns that it will begin with a generalized temperature rise, which will be more pronounced in the northern third of the peninsula.

This Fridaylarge areas of the southern half of the peninsula have woken up with tropical nights, indicates Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the AEMET. For example, in Osuna (Seville), at 06:00 it had not dropped below 25ºC. During the day, a drop in temperatures is expected in much of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Even so, 40ºC could be reached again in isolated points of the Guadalquivir Valley and the Guadiana Valley of Huelva.

Tropical nights will be less frequent during the weekend, although they can still be recorded in points in Extremadura and Andalusia. He Saturday The thermal drop will extend to a good part of the southern half of the peninsula, but still 32 to 34ºC will be exceeded in a good part of Extremadura, interior Andalusia and western Castilla-La Mancha, and it may even exceed 36ºC in the Guadalquivir Valley. On the contrary, in cities like Burgos, Pamplona, ​​San Sebastián or Santander, the atmosphere will be cool and will remain below 20ºC. In addition, there will be the possibility of stormy showers in the eastern third of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In Catalonia, they could be strong and accompanied by hail.

He Sunday Some stormy showers are expected in the eastern peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In general, they will be less intense and isolated showers than those on Saturday, although Del Campo does not completely rule out that some of them reach strong intensity. At the same time, there may be some haze in the south of the peninsula, where temperatures will continue to drop. The Cantabrian communities and the Alto Ebro will not exceed 20ºC. In the center of the peninsula it will be around 28ºC and in a good part of Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia it will reach or exceed 30ºC or 32ºC, even 34ºC in the Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys.

Rising temperatures and a storm in sight

According to the next weekDel Campo warns that it will begin with a general rebound in temperatures, which will be more pronounced in the northern third of the peninsula. On Monday, temperatures will exceed 30ºC in much of the east, center and south of the Peninsula and 32ºC to 34ºC in the southwest of the Peninsula. The heat will increase until Wednesday, a day in which temperatures of 32ºC to 34ºC may be exceeded in much of the territory.. In fact, even In parts of the interior of the Cantabrian Sea, temperatures could exceed 30ºC on Wednesday, and 36ºC in the Guadalquivir valley. During these first three days of the week, there will be some atmospheric instability, with the possibility of stormy showers in isolated points in the east of the peninsula, especially in mountainous environments, and, preferably, in the afternoons.

From Thursdays, the AEMET spokesperson advances that it is possible that a atlantic storm exerts its influence on the north of the Peninsula, although the uncertainty in the forecast greatly increases. This storm would lead to rain and showers in that sector, although these showers could also extend to the east of the territory. Temperatures will drop especially in the west and north of the country, but later they will also tend to recover.