At the end of November, Vox echoed a new complaint from the civil guards who warned of the lack of resources on the coasts of Almería and Granada to fight against drug trafficking, petaqueros and illegal immigration. The agents arrived at describe the boats as “floating junk” and they explained that they only had two operational patrol boats and that they were quite old. Likewise, they requested warning of the difficulty in filling employer positions.
The party led by Santiago Abascal raised this situation in the Congress of Deputies, through a parliamentary question, and the Executive’s response has been none other than refute the words of the civil guards: “all the ships and boats that make up the fleet of the Maritime Service of the Civil Guard meet technical specifications that establishes the Merchant Navy for navigation and fulfillment of the entrusted missions. Likewise, the certifications required by current regulations are available, so said ships or boats are in a position to provide the assigned services.”
It should be noted that in your question, the training required knowing “specifically” whether these vessels were prepared to fight against drug trafficking and petaqueo, since the increase in the presence of drug boats on the coasts of Granada and Almería has increased considerably in recent times. And its complexity increases in the Cabo de Gata area, where Civil Guard vessels cannot access.
The Government’s “no” to the increase in media
The agents also denounced the exhausting days that they were forced to carry out due to the lack of employers, since the hardness of the work meant that no one wanted to apply for that position. From Vox they asked the Executive if the Ministry of the Interior, with Fernando Grande-Marlaska At the head, he planned to provide human and material resources to the Civil Guard to confront the “threat of drug trafficking, as well as other criminal organizations linked to it.”
The Executive, far from being specific, limited itself to expressing a textbook response: “The studies necessary to adapt the degree of coverage of the Job Catalog of the operational units of the Corps are permanently updated, as well as the effective number of guards.” civilians of the different jobs and specialties available at any given time”. That is to say, They deny that there is a staff shortage.
Furthermore, in his response They assure that the increase in staff has already been carried out. “As a result of these permanent studies, an extraordinary increase in jobs was recently approved, reinforcing the specialties of Citizen Security, Judicial Police, Maritime Service, Underwater Activities, Fiscal and Borders, Air Service, Cynological Service and Reserve and Security in units of the Civil Guard Commands of Málaga, Huelva, Almería, Algeciras, Cádiz and Granada”, say the Executive.
More patterns than the national average
Furthermore, they once again deal a blow to the civil guards, by denying that there is a lack of bosses. So much so, that in their parliamentary response they argue that “the degree of coverage of the Boat Master specialty in the Provincial Maritime Service of the Civil Guard of Granada is currently higher than the national average”.
And a final note, as a corporate claim, the Government emphasizes that from both the Zone and Command Headquarters “the services are permanently reoriented and adapted to the needs and demands demanded by the challenges, risks and threats of the current moment, carrying out planning in order to achieve efficient use and optimization of available resources, both human and material.” Words left on wet paper for the agents who fight drug traffickers on the coasts every day.