The Aemet warns of a change in weather before Easter

There are only a few days left until Dolores Friday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week, and the heat is already making an appearance in Spain with temperatures above 20 degrees in many areas and even more than 30 degrees in the southeast.

The higher temperatures than normal for the date and the predominance of clear skies will continue until Wednesday, March 20, the day that the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) predicts a Change of trend.

“The presence of low pressure will lead to precipitation practically widespreadalthough with uncertainty depending on the final positioning of the storm,” they point out from Meteorology.

Although it is still early to determine, with the forecasts currently available, The largest accumulations would occur in Galicia, the Cantabrian communities and the Pyrenees without also ruling out that it could rain in areas of the Mediterranean.especially from the northeast.

Possible DANA on the horizon?

From the portal they point to the possible arrival of a little DANA that could change thermometers and increase instability, leaving “showers and storms.”

“A trough will approach the peninsula from the west and will travel through the north of the peninsula. It is possible, although there are still days and uncertainty increases, that a DANA will emerge from it,” they warn.

If this pocket of cold air occurs, on Wednesday they are expected showers in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea, Castilla y León, La Rioja, Navarra, Aragon, Catalonia and even in the north of the Valencian community and the Balearic Islands at the end of the day. they could go accompanied by storm and even hail.

During the day of Thursday, DANA could move south along the Mediterranean area leaving rain in that areaalthough they are expected to be weak and stability returns on Friday.

As for the temperaturesthe portal indicates that this Monday will be the hottest day in the southeast although lThermometers will begin to drop at the other end of the peninsula. The thermal decrease will continue during the following days at least until Thursday.