Technology companies plan to sign an agreement to combat electoral fraud generated with artificial intelligence

NY – At least six big technology companies They plan to sign an agreement this week that would guide how they try to end the use of tools of artificial intelligence intended to interfere in democratic elections.

The event, which will take place at Munich Security ConferenceGermany, comes as more than 50 countries will hold national elections in 2024.

Attempts to interfere in elections using artificial intelligence have already begun. It happened, for example, when some automated calls that imitated the voice of the president of the United States, Joe Bidentried to discourage people from voting in the New Hampshire primary last month.

β€œIn a critical year for global elections, technology companies are working on a deal to combat the deceptive use of AI targeting voters,” said a joint statement from several companies issued Tuesday. β€œAdobe, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, TikTok and others are working together to advance this shared goal, and we look forward to finalizing and presenting the details on Friday at the Munich Security Conference.”

The companies did not want to give details about the content of the agreement. Many have already said that they are putting security measures in its own generative AI tools that can manipulate images and soundwhile working to identify and label AI-generated content so social media users know if what they are seeing is real.

X, the platform formerly known as Twitteris not mentioned in the statement and has not yet responded to a request for comment sent Tuesday.