Surrounded by electronic waste. Waste grows five times more than its recycling

Technology has completely changed our form and lifestyle. We are, every day more and more, surrounded by mobile phones, televisions, tablets and computers. However, we know where most of these devices end up once they are break or get thrown away. The average number of terminals, in rich countries, each person has more than a hundred and many of them They end up in the trash.

All this “tide of gadgets” has led to a global issueas a new study determines that waste is growing five times more than its recycling. In 2022, countries generated 62 million tons of electronic waste, a record number, as warned this Wednesday by the Waste Observatory of the UN.

The supranational organization highlights an increase in 82% compared to 2010 data and represents a volume difficult to imagine: more than a million and a half trucks would be filled 40 tonsjust enough to go around the equator.

This raises the alarm for strong regulations.

Behind this increase in garbage is the technological progressthe increase of consumptionsome options fairly limited repair and very short life cycles. It is for these reasons that garbage will grow over generations. According to estimates, the planet will create some 80 million waste annually.

On the other hand, recycling, if this trend continues, will not be able to cope with these figures. In 2024 not even a quarter is recycled of electronic waste, with the consequent risk of pollution for populations of all the world. However, by 2030 the figure will also decrease to a twenty %. Therefore, the notice to improve the infrastructure and try to raise the data to 60%. Europe takes the lead with a rate of approximately 45% (42.8%).

90 billion dollars “in the trash”

Environmental concerns are joined by another reason to promote and boost recycling. The electronic waste generated in 2022 contained around 31.00 million kilos of metals14,000 million kilograms of minerals, glass and other materials, without forgetting the 17,000 million kilograms of plastics. Translating this into economic figures, there were some 90 billion dollars lost in strategic materials such as gold, copper and iron.

It is important to highlight that the report draws attention, for the first time, to an emerging problem: the e-waste trade. In 2022, 5.1 million tons (8.2% of the world total) were detected being sent across borders, of which about 3.3 million tons (65%) were sent from countries with higher incomes to others with some middle and low income to sell them at a lower price.