At least twice a year, WhatsApp updates have a decisive impact on dozens of mobile phone models. Although its updates occur more frequently, some of them “mandatory” need to be updated. Features only available in the latest versions of operating systems Android and iOS. And those that cannot be updated are the phones that are left “on the wayside”.
To function properly, the Meta app requires certain memory, processing, and security parameters. Some Smartphone models do not have as much memory after years of use (this usually starts to happen after the sixth or seventh year) and when trying to update the latest version of the operating system, you start to see failures, applications that do not open, memory consumption shoots up and errors become frequent.
The phones that will be affected by the latest update are part of the main manufacturers, among them Samsung, Apple or Huawei and if you don’t have iOS 12 or Android 5it will happen to you. Here is the list of those most affected.
iPhone SE
iPhone 5
Iphone 6
iPhone 6s Plus
Galaxy S3 Mini
Galaxy Ace Plus
Galaxy Core
Galaxy Express 2
Galaxy Grand
Galaxy Note 3
Galaxy S4 Active
Galaxy S4 Mini
Galaxy S4 Zoom
LG Optimus L3 II Dual
LG Optimus L5 Dual
LG Optimus L7 Dual
LG Optimus F3Q
LG Optimus L2 II
LG Optimus F6
Ascend P6 S
Ascend G525
Huawei C199
Huawei GX1s
Huawei Y625
Other manufacturers
Alcatel Go Flip 2
Moto G
Moto X
Sony Xperia M
ZTE Grand S Flex
ZTE Big Memo
If we take into account the models that will be orphaned by the popular social network, the figures give us between 7 and 8 years of life for our phones if we depend on WhatsApp. Therefore, if your phone is close to this limit, It’s time we started thinking about other devicesnot necessarily new, but modern.