Panini and DC: The fall of ECC Ediciones opens a new chapter for superhero comics in Spain

The official notification confirmed to Panini comics As the new degree of DC comics in Spain, it marks the end of weeks of uncertainty for readers and collectors who have followed the publications, so far, by ECC Editions. After years of taking care of the Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and other characters comics, the house has announced its liquidation and dissolution. How has it been possible? From our shore, all we can do is expose the controversies prior to their fall, the recurring complaints of the buyers and how the Spanish publishing market is prepared for this important change.

Ascent and fall of ECC editions

Founded in Spain in 1995, it was established as a new editorial in charge of the publication of DC comics in the country since January 2012. Its appearance led to a key change, since those rights belonged to planet Deagostini, which had been handled with a good result Spanish publications. From that moment, the house was responsible for bringing us some of the most emblematic stories of the American publisher. However, his career has never been exempt from controversies.

From the beginning, readers’ complaints multiplied due to several recurring problems in the production of comics. First, poor print quality was denounced. ECC comics had faults on the covers, problems with binding and errors in the numbering of volumes, defects that generated considerable discomfort in collectors, since it was not exceptional occasions, but part of a pattern difficult to ignore.

In addition, editorial decisions regarding the reissue of comics raised not a few controversies. Its policy of launching luxury or integral versions of sagas without reimpressing exhausted editions created an environment of unnecessary exclusivity. In fact, readers who tried to complete their collections met a policy that often favored new buyers above the usual followers.

Bad relationship with the libraries and friends of crowdfunding

While ECC Editions positioned himself as a dominant actor in the national market, his relationship with specialized bookstores was problematic. Many They reported difficulty receiving news and repositions on timecreating uncomfortable situations in the face of their own clients more often than acceptable. The lack of communication and problems in logistics agreements, also led to that many establishments consider that ECC was not fulfilling the expectations of a professional editorial. One of the most criticized movements was the adoption of the crowdfunding model to finance special editions of certain DC titles, as the famous “Kamandi” series by Jack Kirby. This strategy was perceived as an attempt to outsource the risk of publication, a play that was not well received by booksellers or collectors.

DC superheroesECC Editions

Now, with its dissolution, the DC comic market faces a new stage, marked by the arrival of Panini comics such as the new publishing house in charge of publications in Spain. This newly announced agreement represents the closure of a cycle for the publisher that for years tried, without success, consolidate its presence in the country through strategies that did not always live up to it.

Alejandro M. Viturtia, editorial director of Panini Comics, explained in this regard: “In the 1980s, by the hand of Watchmen, new Titans, Camelot 3000, Batman: the return of the dark gentleman and the superman of John Byrne, we learned to love To DC and in my case, that love never disappeared. I have kept DC all these years as one of my referents comiqueros. Therefore, I can hardly express the emotion that gives me welcoming the Panteón de DC to Panini Comics. I assure you that, from the first moment, DC superheroes will feel at home with us. Not surprisingly, Panini is also DC’s house in Italy, Germany, Brazil and Mexico. As Superman would say, we will work for a better tomorrow. ”

Uncertain lessons

The promises of quality, distribution and customer service are not always fulfilled, and the market is demanding enough not to forgive a drift full of failures. Changes in the comics editorial, especially when it comes to characters as emblematic as those of DC, do not go unnoticed. If Panini manages to develop a closer and more organic experience of both readers and bookstores, it could become the undisputed leader of this market in Spain. However, the real question is whether the transalpine publishing house can offer a product that, in addition to being of quality, value and compensates for the most loyal followers of the DC universe.