He winter weather has been installed in Spain in Easter. The arrival to the peninsula of a new and deep storm called Nelson dThe next few days will experience strong gusts of wind, adverse coastal phenomena and abundant rainfall in large areas of the territory. The storm, named by Spain through the Meteorological Agency (Aemet), will affect the peninsula in the coming days in a period of “great social relevance” as it is Holy Week, Aemet points out on the X social network. This is the fourteenth storm of the 2023-2024 season.
The start of the week began yesterday, Monday, with a first episode of widespread rain, which left significant accumulations in some areas of the southern peninsula. This Tuesday, snow and cold have been added to the rains. The presence of a mass of cold air dragged by the front will cause a pronounced and general drop in temperatures, which will cause a drop in the snow level, which will be between 600 m and 1000 m on the Peninsula.
The rains will continue in large areas, which may occasionally be accompanied by storms and hail. The least likely will be on the southeastern coast, while the most abundant will be in the northern third, especially in the Pyrenees and western Galicia, where they can be locally strong or persistents.
He Wednesday The weather will continue to be stormy. It will be a rainy day in the west and center of the Peninsula, as well as around the Pyrenees. The heaviest rains will be in Galicia, western Castilla y León and Extremadurabut they will not reach the Mediterranean regions.
As for temperatures, they will rise thanks to the arrival of milder winds and they will do so in a generalized manner, marking up to 4 to 6ºC above those of Tuesday. The snow level will rise from 1,000 to 1,200 meters in the northwest and to 1,500 meters in the rest of the territory.
More rain during Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
Thursday and Good Friday will be marked by the passage of frontal systems that will cross the Peninsula from west to east. Specifically, the Holy Thursdaythe rains will be present in a good part of the territory, especially in the west and in the central area of the territory, and will be most abundant in Galicia, west and south of Castilla y León, Extremadura and western Andalusia. The Mediterranean and Balearic regions will be left out of the showers. Snowfall is expected in the interior of Galicia, the Cantabrian Mountains and the Pyrenees. On Good Friday it will rain again in Extremadura, western Andalusia and the central area.
Although uncertainty increases, the models suggest that instability would continue until Sunday. Atlantic storms will continue to arrive during the weekendwhen Rains are expected especially in the west and in the central area of the country. The rainfall could become widespread and even reach, especially on Sunday, the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
For its part, the prediction made by eltiempo.es indicates that throughout Holy Week storms and Atlantic fronts will arrive, so rains will be guaranteed in almost all of Spain. The most unstable days will be Holy Thursday and Good Friday. The portal adds that all the precipitation expected for these days will enter through the west of the peninsula, facing the Mediterranean slope, with less rain. Until Sunday, the forecasts indicate that in western Galicia they could add up to more than 90 liters per square meter (l/m2), more than 160 l/m2 in western Andalusia and up to 200 l/m2 in areas of northern Cáceres.