Microsoft would be working on its own DLSS-like scaler for Windows 11

The race for AI chip manufacturing and its application in the entertainment market is about to take a fascinating turn. Since Microsoft is in preparations to introduce its own DLSS-like featurewhich would be launched with the next Windows 11 update. A technology originally developed by Nvidia, which uses innovative techniques to boost performance and improve image quality in video games.

This process is not a conventional GenAI, but a complex approach designedto improve application performance. Since DLSS stands for Deep Learning Super Sampling. In short, it allows them to run at a lower resolution, reducing the load on the graphics. Which not only translates into improved performance, but also offers higher image quality as a result.

Microsoft's new DLSS technology in Windows 11

It should be noted that until now, Microsoft did not officially announce the inclusion of this new technology DLSS in Windows 11. But a data mining enthusiast known as PhantomOcean3, shared the discovery through his personal Twitter account (currently X). According to his publication, during the past weekend he would have found signs of this function in the test versions of Windows 11.

At this point, we can make some assumptions based on the information. Since Nvidia's original technology uses tensioners exclusive to its RTX models. The same goes for AMD's FSR sampling technique and Intel's XeSS, both of which run on their respective GPUs. So, in theory, this suggests that Microsoft's DLSS technology could be part of the strategy for Azure Maia and Cobalt.

Regardless of what the case may be, this appears to be excellent news for video game fans. Especially since the files describe this resolution technology as a way to “use AI for a smoother gaming experience.” But that's not all, since it would also improve the graphic details without requiring many computer resources.

Microsoft's answer to Nvidia, AMD and Intel?

As we already mentioned, this technique makes use of artificial intelligence and neural networks to render images with lower resolutions. A supersampling technique is then applied that enhances the image and creates the illusion of a higher final resolution. This is even when they run on hardware with technical limitations, but are still compatible with this technology.

It is precisely For this reason, the concept is always associated with video games. Especially because it is a sector in which AI has been closely linked since its inception decades ago. Although it is now explicitly mentioned in Microsoft's DLSS technologies for Windows 11, AMD, Nvidia or Intel, the truth is that it is not something foreign to gamers.

However, even though it sounds similar to the concepts of Nvidia, AMD and Intel, the information is quite scarce to understand how it works. What is known so far is that it will not be compatible with systems that use older processors, but rather with more recent models on the market capable of supporting SSE4.2 or SSE4a instructions.

What can we expect from the new feature?

For its part, Microsoft did not officially comment on this new feature. Therefore, it is not clear how exactly it will work or if it will require any specific hardware. However, there are speculations that the next Windows 11 24H2 update, which is expected to arrive in the coming months, will include this DLSS andThere are even rumors that Microsoft is working on the next version of its operating system.

What we can anticipate is that this update will not be released in the near future. In fact, it would not be surprising if it arrived in late 2024 or early 2025. This as part of Microsoft's AI strategy. So it is probably also part of the solutions offered in Azure. As well as Office 365 office automation services.

That is how Microsoft is putting significant efforts into developing its own DLSS for Windows 11. Thiswith the aim of promoting new solutions focused on video games. In this way, immersingto a market that is currently dominated by Nvidia, AMD and Intel.