“It is worth seeing”: the sky of Puerto Rico will be adorned with a partial solar eclipse on April 8

On October 14, 2023, thousands of Puerto Ricans gathered at different points on the island to enjoy a significant astronomical event, an annular solar eclipse that covered the Sun and only exposed the edges of the star.

However, on April 8 of this year, astronomy fans in specific areas of the Americas will be able to enjoy a total solar eclipse, a phenomenon that, although it will not be fully appreciated from Puerto Rico, “will be worth seeing.”he assured Eddie Irizarry Roblespresident of scientific dissemination of the Caribbean Astronomy Society (SAC).

“We are talking about a solar eclipse that for certain areas of USA It will be total and for other areas, including Puerto Rico, it will be partial. Here it will be a slight partial eclipse. It is an eclipse that most likely, if one looks around, it will not be noticeable that some astronomical event is occurring in the sense that (…) we will probably not notice that there is a significant decrease in sunlight “Irizarry Robles explained by telephone.