“It is an opportunity for education”: the partial solar eclipse brings together dozens of people at the UPR of Río Piedras

Under the burning rays of the sun, dozens of people gathered at the University of Puerto RicoPrecinct Piedras River to appreciate, through a range of instruments, the solar eclipse; an astronomical spectacle that was partially perceived from the Puerto Rican archipelago.

The heat did not stop the students and teachers of the Astrophysical Circle of Puerto Rico, who at 1:00 pm had already deployed, in the vicinity of the first teaching center in the country, telescopes, projectors and solar glasses that would allow them to see an event that many described as extraordinary.

“Although we do not have the correct perspective for (the Sun) to be completely covered, we must take advantage of all opportunities. “So we are here so that people can appreciate this partial eclipse.”said the doctor Carmen Pantojaprofessor in the Department of Physics, The new day.

“For us, the eclipse is mainly an opportunity for education, to share science and to help transmit different concepts that we want to the public.“added the astronomer.