Isabel Rodríguez, Minister of Housing, asks for “solidarity” from property owners to lower rents

The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, Yesterday, on the program ‘La Ventana de Madrid’ on Cadena SER, he directly addressed the owners of the rental apartments in the tense areas of the capital. to end the problem of rental prices. “I think that Spain is a supportive country and, for the most part, the park Rental housing belongs to small owners“he said yesterday, referring to the solidarity that is necessary to solve the root problem.

The statements are made in a context in which The housing rental market has become unsustainable. Prices continue to rise and, despite the fact that the Executive launched the Law for the Right to Housing to try to alleviate the problem on May 24, 2023, the truth is that Many regional governments have not implemented this measure.since the powers in the area of ​​Housing They are exclusively autonomous and not state-owned.

“The rental housing stock belongs to small owners”

From the Government of Pedro Sánchez they are now trying to directly question the owners of flats in those autonomous regions where this law does not applywith the aim of finding a solution. “I ask you to take charge of this cause, of this social need.and that we value these returns in social terms. That prices are in line with the capabilities of the Spanish people“, the Minister of Housing pleaded yesterday.

This is suffered by those who need housing, who suffer an unaffordable cost of rent because they do not want to apply measures related to, not only price containmentIn fact, the Law establishes that in those places where the situation is more alarming, such as in Madrid, all administrations could take extraordinary measures. We are losing that opportunity“, declared Minister Rodriguez in an exercise in citizen awareness about what is happening.

What does current legislation say?

The Law for the Right to Housingwhich came into force on May 25, 2023 with its publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE), regulated the aid to be provided to those groups with the greatest difficulties in accessing housinga right recognized in our Magna Carta.

In this sense, One of the most controversial points was the cap on rental prices, especially in those areas that the law defined as “stressed”which are those in which there has been a sustained increase in rental prices in recent years, such as, for example, in numerous areas and municipalities of the Community of Madrid.

Thus, the legislation in force today, until a new ordinance is approved, establishes that tenants cannot increase the rent by more than 3% each year. In addition, this regulation decrees that from 2025 a New benchmark for annual updatereplacing the CPI, to avoid disproportionate increases in income.

However, despite this measure being approved by the Executive intended to solve the problem related to Housingthe truth is that It is not entirely effectivesince it depends on the regional governments whether or not it is implemented in the different territories of Spain.

Therefore, The current situation in the housing market is hotter than ever. So much so that Citizen demonstrations have already been called in different places in Spain to demand a right recognized in the Constitution: the right to decent housing.

However, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda He said last Monday that he hopes that The regulation of seasonal rentals will come into force before the end of the yearspecifically in those homes that are used for cover a specific basic housing needsuch as a vacation, a job with an end date or, above all, a season of studies.