The more than 8 million users that Telegram has in Spain can now breathe easy… for now. The judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz has given go back on the decision suspend Telegram in Spain that had been taken last Friday and that Internet operators had to execute today. This precautionary suspension is now pending a report on the impact it may have on users that the General Information Commissariat of the National Police must carry out at the request of the judge.
In this context, and although there are simple ways to bypass the operators' blocking of Telegram if it finally arrives, well using a VPN that simulates a location other than Spain or with the proxy function of the app itself, it may be interesting to make a backup copy of Telegram chats and make sure you maintain access despite the block. These are stored on the device, but not all of them. That is to say, if you go to very old conversations, they will have to be downloaded againsomething that the blockade would prevent.
However, making a backup is not as simple as in WhatsApp or other applications. In fact, this option It is only available in the desktop version of Telegram and not in the mobile or web versions. Therefore, the first step is to download the desktop app from the Telegram website and install it on a Windows or Mac computer. Once done, you must follow these steps:
- Opens Telegram Desktop and click on the icon three horizontal bars in the top left-hand corner.
- Choose Advanced and then Export Telegram data.
- In its default configuration, Telegram exports the user's account information, contacts, stories archive, personal chats, and messages in private groups in which they participate, as well as photos. The application also gives the option to include other types of files (videos, voice messages, video messages, stickers, GIFs and files), chats with bots, private and public channels, complete public and private groups. Depending on the selection, it will take up more or less size.
- In section Location and format of Export your data You can select the folder where the backup is to be downloaded. Make sure the option is activated Human readable HTML.
- Click Export.