Google changes the name of its artificial intelligence chatbot to Gemini and launches its first mobile application

Google changed the name of your chatbot with artificial intelligence (AI) from Bard to Gemini, announced that starting today this technology will be available in a new Gemini application for Android and through the Google application on iOS and, in addition, launched an “advanced” paid version.

Shortly after the popularity of ChatGPTfrom Open IA, Goggle launched its Bard chatbot in early 2023 and at the end of the year announced its Gemini multimodal model.

The vice president and general director of Gemini experiences and Google assistant, Sissie Hsiao, said in a press conference that, Beyond the name and logo change, the chatbot – which is powered by the Gemini Pro language model (LLM) and is available globally in 40 languages ​​- is the same.

“Self-awareness is a tricky thing for models, so if (Gemini) is asked on Thursday 'What's your name?' Maybe he'll answer, 'I'm Bard,'” Hsiao noted.