A change of approach is essential: Puerto Rico gets a “D” in beach management

A report of the Surfrider Foundation granted Puerto Rico a grade of “D” regarding the status of its Beaches and established measures the island can take to mitigate coastal erosion, such as prioritizing “natural infrastructure” through the rehabilitation of dunes and mangroves.

The document represents a wake-up call on issues that have not necessarily been widely discussed in the public sphere, in order to establish more and better policies for the protection of the coastal zone, stated experts consulted by The new day.

The analysis, corresponding to 2023 and which analyzes the state of beaches nationwide in the United States, gave Puerto Rico a “poor” rating in the categories of sediment management, coastal protection and infrastructure development. Regarding the measures to confront the rise in sea levelgranted an “OK”, so, on balance, the grade is a “D”.