Genoa maintains the hard core of its current group in the European Parliament on the European lists. She signs three MEPs from Ciudadanos (Cs), and gives the closing of the candidacy to a purged member of the Prisa Group, to the Basque philosopher and writer Fernando Savater, a reference in the fight against terrorism and for freedoms. In addition, the president of the popular parties, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will reinforce his lists with the former ambassador to NATO Nicolás Pascual de la Parte, within a strategy for the coming months that will be aimed at internationalizing the anti-Sanchez front.
Pascual de la Parte is a diplomat from Murcia with extensive international experience. Former ambassador to NATO, among other positions he has held general ambassador for Cybersecurity and Hybrid Threats, and is an expert on Security and Defense issues.
This PP candidacy, which maintains Dolors Montserrat at the helm, will be Feijóo's support for a second phase of his current opposition strategy and which will involve reinforcing his anti-Sánchez campaign in the European Union, which is where the final battle against Sánchez will be fought. the amnesty – this is where the new street mobilizations come in. The international opposition to Sánchez will also cause the judicial battle, the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, and “corruption”, which, on the basis of the “Koldo case”, the PP insists affects the PSOE. , to the Government and also to the “environment” of the President of the Government, in reference to his wife Begoña Gómez.
In the popular ranks, there is suspicion that Moncloa has taken advantage of the president's days of reflection and the socialist crisis to tighten even more the “nuts” necessary to force the information blackout on Begoña Gómez. But the side of the police and judicial investigation is not subject to these pressures, and has two avenues of exposure for the president: the one that affects the Pegasus investigation, once the National Court has reopened this case in light of the new data provided by France, and that which concerns what may come of the work of the Civil Guard from the dumping of the telephone numbers of those involved in the plot who, supposedly, benefited from at least nine public contracts for the purchase of medical supplies during the pandemic. .
By the way, the European list will also be used to give presence to the victims of ETA and the PP's opposition to the PSOE's pacts with Bildu.
In the national “combat” the composition of the European candidacies of the PSOE and the PP will have the right importance, because these elections will be, above all, a validation of the fight that Sánchez and Feijóo already maintained in the general elections (they are the first elections of vote throughout the national territory that have been held since then).
The Europeans will once again measure the pulse between the PP and Vox within the right
Thus, it will really be the president of the Government and the president of the PP who will lead the electoral caravans of their parties. The European elections of June 9 will coincide with a political moment in which the investiture of the new president of the Generalitat should be held, if there is no blockade that leads to new elections, and the parliamentary processing of the amnesty must also be closed, with its final approval in the Congress of Deputies.
Pedro Sánchez has a very difficult time ensuring that the regeneration agenda on which he has justified his threat to resign can cover the headlines that arise from this triangle of central issues. But they do trust that his victimization and “heating up” polarization even more will help him get on the PSC list in the May 12 elections, and that a good result in Catalonia will serve as a springboard for the European elections.
Sánchez will put the Catalan campaign behind him so that the option of re-editing a new tripartite can be viable, based on the conviction they have in Moncloa that, if Salvador Illa wins resoundingly, ERC will end up giving in to the agreement, and Junts , for his part, will also end up lowering his head and agreeing to continue playing negotiation in Madrid so as not to be completely left out of the game. The thesis is summarized in that the independentists, also Junts, will agree to sell themselves for a “couple of peanuts”, with Carles Puigdemont already retired and enjoying his family in his house.
The message that comes out of Junts is just the opposite, and, if you listen to them, you would have to stick with the idea that “Puigdemont will not go home without first having killed Sánchez.”
The European election campaign will be conditioned by this political climate. For the PP they will also be a new examination of their work for the useful vote. With their signings of the three orange MEPs, on June 9 the international burial of the formation that Albert Rivera started will be made official, but where the most interesting match is played is on the right, between the PP and Vox. First in Catalonia, and then on June 9, at a time when the formation chaired by Santiago Abascal is not going through its stage of greatest strength and organic stability.