European elections 9J, live: last minute on the candidates, voting and results

Between June 6 and 9, Europeans once again go to the polls to choose the composition of the next European hemicycle for the next five years. 720 seats are distributed, fifteen more than in the previous legislature, and Spain has 61.

After a legislature marked by the pandemic, the fight against climate change and the war in Ukraine, polls predict that the European People's Party will once again be the most voted force and the rise of parties considered extreme right and eurosceptic. A panorama that can weaken the traditional centrist coalition of popular, socialists and liberals that has governed the European Union for decades and open numerous questions about the direction of the community club, at a particularly turbulent time.

At this point, participation will be very important for three reasons: the first is that low participation usually harms left-wing parties and ideologically moderate. The second reason is democratic legitimacy, since if it is low, the European Parliament's claim to be the voice of the people is in danger. And finally, it's important because young people tend to keep voting if they establish the habit early.

Breaking news on the 9J European elections: candidates, votes and results