Do you call you a number you don’t know? The National Police LAP method to avoid telephone scams

He spam and the Telephone scams They are a plague that has changed the way of relating to our phones. Today, receive a call from a number that is not on our agenda or we know invites distrust for the high probability that it is spam or not so that it can be some type of fraud.

One way to get some security is to check on the Internet If the number is registered on any of the online platforms that collect users’ complaints About problematic phone numbers and explain their nature, but this is not always practical. In these types of situations, The National Police recommend using the LAP Method.

Lap is an acronym for Location, author and purpose. This strategy, explained by the security body in its X account, provides rules that can be used for Identify whether a call from an unknown number is an attempt to scam.

Location It refers to the origin indicated by the prefix. ‘Before answering a call, look good at the prefix to know your location. If it is different from the +34 of Spain, do not take itunless you are waiting for a call from that country or that a relationship with him, ‘explains the agent in the video. The reason is simple: many scams use telephone numbers from other countries that hinder their identification by the authorities, and Some appear much more than others in this type of delinquency.

Author refers to having a form of power confirm the identity of the person who is callingif it is someone who in theory you know but performs it from a number you have not registered. We must not forget that the scams in which a person’s voice is cloned through AI are no longer a novelty. In this case, you can confirm the identity ‘Asking him a fact that you only know, such as his birthday, the name of a pet, your favorite color or with a previously agreed key’. In case of not knowing the person or not having an interest in the entity that claims to be representing, it is best to hang, according to the police.

Finally, the purpose It is the last step and the most important. It is common for a scammer to try generate urgency in the victim. Police recommend keeping calm and carrying the initiative in the conversation. And if with any excuse they ask for personal data, banking or money, ‘hangs’.