Basque Country Elections 21A, live: votes, scrutiny and last minute of the results of the elections to the Basque parliament

All eyes turn this Sunday towards the Basque elections. The polls will decide whether for the first time The Abertzale left snatches the baton from an ossified PNV that doesn't seem to reach that younger audience. And in front of them, a PSE (governance key), which will respond to the interests set by Moncloa to the chagrin of its candidate, Eneko Anduezaand a PPthat of Javier de Andrés, far from the stridency of other campaigns, whose sole objective is to close the gap with the socialists. Already at the end of the queue, the eternal fight between Podemos and Sumar It could end in a debacle, as most surveys indicate.

The terrorist group ETA burst onto the scene again in the last days of the campaign. With the help of EH Bildu and its candidate, Otxandiano Hair, who called the criminal organization an “armed group”, provoking a wave of criticism. Although apologize to the victims, continued refusing to call ETA a “terrorist band”. Besides, Imanol Pradalescandidate for lehendakari for the PNV, was also the protagonist for the spray attack that he suffered just before the televised debate.

Be that as it may, after a fairly flat campaign and without outbursts, the focus is on that high percentage of undecided people, who will be the ones who tip the balance towards the PNV or the party led by Arnaldo Otegi. Because the ETA issue seems to have already been amortized in the Basque Country and the rest of the formations have realized this.