Aristocrats 6G: from Tamara Falcó to Teresa Urquijo

Almeida's weddingIt has left us hooked on the aristocracy. It's not the fault of schottische, by the way, the least mischievous that Madrid has ever known, except for the headdresses, the singularity of Mayi, the mayor's sister, or our crazy imagination that, driven by a binge of series, gives each last name a story with its own meaning. own headline: “The viscount who loved me”, “Looking for a wife” or “Happily ever after”. And in the photo we look for the widow who insists on marrying her daughters, the son who gambled his inheritance in a bet or the lover who put family morals in check on the same estate in El Canto de la Cruz.

Wedding of José Luis Martínez-Almeida and Teresa UrquijoJesus G. FairThe reason

All of this is a mirage. Once the hangovers were over and the headdresses, clutches and pearls were returned to the dressing room, the blue blood turned a common red and the aristocrats resumed their chores. So common that the newlyweds signed up for “twinning”, that trend that consists of dressing to match. Neither Urquijo nor Martínez Almeida hold titlebut their respective surnames certify their rancid ancestry.

With a double degree in Law and Business Administration at ICAI-ICADE and other qualifications obtained abroad, Urquijo represents that generation of aristocrats who are taking over. Dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts and barons live, with exceptions, an absolutely discreet and contained life. Sometimes, it would be said that with an allergy to excess. This is the case of Alejandra Romero, granddaughter of Adolfo Suárez, who inherited the title of Duchess of Suárez. At the age of 14 she lost her mother, Mariam, to breast cancer, a disease that also affected the life of her grandmother, Amparo Illana.

Alejandra Romero, on her wedding day
Alejandra Romero, on her wedding daythe reasonfreemarker.core.DefaultToExpression$EmptyStringAndSequenceAndHash@6c7ed217

She has been married since 2018 to Pedro de Armas and they are parents of two girls. She graduated in Law and Business from ICADE and works as a lawyer at the law firm Herbert Smith Freehills. She collaborates with women at risk of social exclusion at the Mariam Suárez Family Support and Meeting Center, created in tribute to her mother. The modification in 2006 of the Law for the Succession of Noble Titles eliminated the prevalence of the male and made it possible for her to be her heir, despite some family disagreement.


Of all the aristocrats, the one who displays the greatest number of noble titles in Europe is Victoria de Hohenlohe. At 27 years old, She is the head of the Medinaceli house, one of the most prestigious. A descendant of Alfonso Her great-uncle was the late Duke of Feria and, therefore, she is also the great-niece of Naty Abascal. Except for her wedding last October with the financier Maxime Conerille, in Jerez de la Frontera, she barely generates media interest. She studied International Relations at the Madrid Business Institute and speaks several languages ​​fluently.

In Chamberí or any other wealthy neighborhood, anyone could be living door to door with a marquis without knowing it. James of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Noto, resides in London and is very loved by King Juan Carlos. He has, in addition to an impeccable career in the financial sector, a beautiful biography. He is the first-born of the Dukes of Calabria and was born out of wedlock due to his father's refusal, for seven years, to accept a bride without royal blood, despite being a great-granddaughter of the Duke of San Fernando de Quiroga.

Without Cayetana's joy

Better known is Fernando Fitz-James Stuart, future Duke of Alba and established businessman with great responsibilities in the family structure, as well as an advisor in the administration of the prestigious Swiss bank Lombard Odier. In 2018, he married Sofía Palazuelo, already the Duchess of Huéscar. She has a degree in Marketing and Communication from Emmerson College, in the USA, and works with her mother at her agency Around Art.

Fernando Fitz-James Solis and Sofía Palazuelo at the wedding of José Luis Martínez Almeida
Fernando Fitz-James Solis and Sofía Palazuelo at the wedding of José Luis Martínez AlmeidaJesus G. FairThe reason

Tamara Falcó, Marchioness of Griñón, embodies that other aristocracy that makes her life her own brand, managing it very successfully. She graduated in Communication from Lake Forest College in Illinois and studied fashion. It is a recurring claim from many firms that take advantage of their fame and growing number of followers.. Any detail of his private life adds up, with no more merit than the friendliness or naturalness he projects.

Victoria Federica in a suit.
Victoria Federica in a suit.Gtres

Another example is Victoria Federica de Marichalar, a brand in itself thanks to its extremely careful image. They are 6 G aristocrats, the latest generation, who obtain from the virtual world the income that lands and taxes previously provided.