26 UPR students win prestigious scholarship from the National Science Foundation

Felix J. Berríos Ortega and Nitza V. Falcón Cruz They are two of the 26 students and graduates of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) selected to receive the prestigious scholarship Graduate Research Fellowship Programof the National Science Foundation (NSF, in English), through which they will obtain financial support for their doctoral studies and scientific research.

In total, the NSF announced last Thursday that 2,037 students – from accredited universities in Puerto Rico and the United States – won the scholarship. All will receive an annual stipend of $37,000, as well as an additional $16,000 to cover educational expenses, for three consecutive years.

Berríos Ortega, undergraduate student in the Department of Biology of the UPR in Humacaorelated that, although “he was very nervous,” he remained with a positive mentality, since he had begun to work hard on his proposal with the support of his mentors.

“When I finally received the notification that I had been selected, I had to refresh the website several times because I couldn't believe it”said the young scientist, who in August will begin his doctorate in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut.