10 things you may not have known about 6G yet

It's not just a matter of speed

One of the most significant changes expected with 6G is the ability to support different types of traffic, such as virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) applications. 6G is also designed to offer ultra-reliable connectivity and low latency, meaning its ability to provide secure, real-time connections will be much greater.

Global coverage expected

It is believed that 6G will offer global coverage, meaning users will be able to make calls, send messages and connect to the internet from anywhere in the world. This will be achieved through a combination of wireless network technologies, including low orbit (LEO) satellites and terrestrial networks.

Better autonomy

With 6G, the battery life at which most devices can operate without needing to be recharged is expected to improve significantly. This is due to the efficiency of the wireless network, as well as advances in device design.

Greater security

6G is also being developed with a greater emphasis on security than its predecessors. This technology is expected to be able to protect user data and identity, as well as protect against cyber attacks.

More efficient devices

With 6G, wireless devices are expected to become much more efficient. This is because 6G will be able to take better advantage of different frequency bands to offer faster and more reliable connectivity. This also means that 6G could allow devices to operate more energy efficiently.

The limits of information will be expanded

6G will offer the ability to support a greater number of devices connected to the network, allowing the current limits of information to expand. This means that VR/AR applications and real-time data will be able to be used seamlessly, opening the door to innovation in a variety of sectors.

Blockchain will play an important role

With 6G, blockchain is expected to play an important role in the secure storage and transmission of information. This technology is expected to be able to protect user data as well as enable real-time data traceability and authentication.

Testing is already underway

Testing to predict the results and analyze the performance of the 6G network is already underway. A number of studies are being conducted to determine how wireless devices and network systems will perform in the 6G environment. These studies are also helping developers identify deployment challenges and opportunities offset by 6G.

Its commercial implementation is not contemplated in the short term

Despite these tests, it is important to note that commercial implementation of 6G is not expected on the short-term horizon. It is estimated that 6G could be available to the public as early as 2030, but this depends on the successful completion of the many technical and regulatory challenges that still need to be overcome.

In summary, 6G will offer more than just faster connection speeds. This technology is also being developed to offer greater coverage, greater reliability, greater efficiency and improved security. While commercial deployment is still on the horizon, 6G could have a massive impact on society once it is available.