Without showing the flag of Spain, rejection of religion and defense of uncontrolled immigration: the Government celebrates Constitution Day “in its own way”

Today, December 6, Constitution Day was celebrated, its 46th anniversary. A date celebrated by all Spaniards, or at least the vast majority, and which has been full of events to commemorate it, both in Congress, in the capital and in other cities. However, the Government has put the “controversy” on this special day, after sharing a video in which exalts the Magna Carta “in its own way.” Thus, he wanted to use his social networks to exalt the LGTBI movement, reject religious customs or defend the arrival of irregular immigrants in the midst of the migration crisis, among others.

“The Constitution belongs to everyone,” explained the Government Delegation in Madrid on its Twitter account (now X). The recording, less than a minute long, has been prepared by the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, commanded by Félix Bolaños. And in it, neither a family nor a child appears, but the most striking thing is that Not even the flag of Spain appears.

A voice-over pretends to be the Magna Carta itself. “I have something to tell you and that you must remember. Let it be very clear to you that no one can tell you who to be or who to love, and let no one tell you that you are worth less.”“says the video, while showing images of LGTBI people. At the same time, the video continues saying that “You are no less Spanish than anyone else, and no one has the right to exploit you or tell you which God to believe in.” And he continues “don’t let anyone make you believe that climate change is not important”, among others.

“Nothing and no one can take away your right to defend what you think, or to fight for what you believe.”he continues, with images of demonstrations that were called by parties reflected on the left. “In this country no one can prevent you from living free, and do you know why? Because I said so. The Constitution will always be with you defending and expanding your rights”ends, with plans of the Constitution.

A day in which the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has taken the opportunity to advocate for “the reform of the Constitution.” Thus, he has shown himself in favor of changing some articles of the Magna Carta to “shield” rights acquired by citizens such as abortion, homosexual marriage or the revaluation of pensions in the face of the “reactionary advance” and so that “no one can touch them in the future”.

A proposal that was already raised by the PSOE in the 41st Federal Congress held last weekend in Seville. In the resolution approved in this conclave, the socialists also demand to include in the Constitution the protection of public health against attempts at privatization and the permanent public ownership of publicly promoted housing.

Sánchez warns that this “reactionary advance” in reference to the PP governments with the support of Vox in some autonomous communities is calling into question the right to voluntary interruption of pregnancy and also marriage between people of the same sex and the increase in pensions. He therefore considers that their protection must be reinforced “so that no one can touch them in the future,” he warned.