WhatsApp It has changed a lot in its 15 years of existence and one of the aspects in which it has been most applied Goal at this time is that of the privacy. The application offers a wide variety of options to protect it and for the user to be able to be in it practically invisible to other contacts. Is not a incognito mode as such, but rather a series of settings that achieve this effect. We explain what they are and how to configure them.
How to prevent people from seeing if you’re online or when you were last online
Contrary to the perception of many users, entering the app does not mean that any of your contacts can see that you are in it with the notification of Online that WhatsApp displays in its default settings. To disable it, follow these steps:
- Opens WhatsApp.
- Tap on the icon of the three points vertical and select Settings.
- Go into Privacy.
- Tap on Last seen and online time.
- In Who can see my last seen time?touches on Nobody.
- In Who can see when I’m online? Choose Same as last time.
Like other privacy options, this one has a trade-off. If you don’t share last seen and online time information with your contacts, You won’t be able to see theirs either.
How to hide your account information and status
- Go into Privacy.
- Tap on Info. and select Nobody.
- Press State. This option refers to the phrase you can type to appear under your name. Tap on Just share with…but don’t add any contacts if you want maximum invisibility.
How to prevent people from seeing your profile picture
WhatsApp recently enabled blocking screenshots of your profile picture, but you can get even more privacy by setting who can see it and who can’t. Follow these steps:
- Enter the section again Privacy of the settings.
- Tap on Profile picture.
- Choose Nobody.
How to disable the double blue check
The read receipt can be disabled and prevent WhatsApp from displaying the double blue check when you read a message you have received. The downside is that You won’t see it in messages you send when they are read either.but again, your activity on the app will be much more discreet. Follow these steps:
- Go into Privacy.
- Tap the slider Read receipts to disable it.
How to prevent your contacts from saving your messages
Vanishing messages have been on the app since 2020 and give the messages you send a time frame that can be set to 24 hours, 7 days, or 90, after which they will be automatically deleted from the chat. Follow these steps:
- Go into Privacy and touches on Default duration within the section Temporary messages.
- Choose the term you prefer from the three available options.
Protect your IP
The application has two options in the section Advanced which also help make us more invisible by preventing third parties from deducing the IP address we use and our location. Follow these steps:
- Go into Privacy and touches on Advanced.
- Activate the slider on Protect your IP address when making calls. Please note that this will reduce call quality, WhatsApp warns.
- Activate the slider Disable link previews so that third-party websites cannot access your IP address.
How to avoid spam and unknown calls on WhatsApp
If you don’t want to receive calls from numbers you don’t know, follow these steps:
- Go into Privacy.
- Tap on Calls and activate the slider Silence calls from unknown numbersYou won’t receive them, but they will still be displayed in your history when they occur.