Until yesterday afternoon, the Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Diazhas not ceased in its efforts to advance the unemployment benefits reform. And, finally, the second vice president of the Government of Spain has achieved it with the support of the unions (CCOO and UGT), but without the favorable vote of the employers. Among the novelties to be taken into account by the beneficiaries, it is worth highlighting that The amounts of extraordinary unemployment benefits increase as of June 1But that is not all.
Likewise, it will include the possibility of make a job compatible with the collection of both the subsidy and the contributory benefit, that is, what is commonly known by citizens as unemployment. Partial subsidies are also eliminated, so all workers will receive full support, regardless of their working day, and the creation of two new social benefits for returned migrants, as well as for victims of gender violence.
Besides, The text recovers the 125% surcharge for unemployment benefits for those over 52 years of age. This point was what caused the parliamentary failure of the norm last January. Then, the Podemos deputies decided to vote against the validation of the decree, alleging that it was a cut for the future pensions of these people. He also did not have the support of Vox.
The exception that proves the rule
This measure extends to subsidies for people who are victims of gender or sexual violence, as well as for returned emigrants. This change will have an exception and affects a good part of the beneficiaries: the subsidy modality for unemployed people over 52 years of age, which will remain at the current 480 euros due to its higher price and longer duration. The reform also extends the right to the benefit to those under 45 years of age without family responsibilities that exhaust the contributory benefit (they will receive a maximum of six months), to eventual agrarians throughout the State (currently only temporary workers from countryside of Andalusia and Extremadura).
How much will subsidies rise: the new amount from June 2024
The reform of subsidies sets the aid at 570 euros for the first six months starting next June 1, which corresponds to 95% of the IPREM. In this sense, it is currently set at 80% of the IPREM, that is, the beneficiaries receive 480 euros at this time.
Thus, when the applicant has exhausted his or her contributory benefit, the unemployed person will be entitled to unemployment benefits. The maximum duration of the subsidy will be 180 days and cannot be perceived on more than one occasion. However, in the case of those over 52 years of age, they may be paid uninterruptedly until they reach the ordinary legal retirement age or until they find employment.
Regarding periodic payments of financial aid, will be carried out by the State Public Employment Service within the month following the one in which the accrual corresponds, in monthly installments of 30 days, between the 10th and 15th of the month immediately following that to which the accrual corresponds.
It will be possible to collect the subsidy and work part or full time
Another novelty has to do with the fact that recipients of unemployment benefits registered in employment offices could make the benefit compatible with a job provided that they are hired part-time or full-time, indefinitely or temporarily, in which case, the duration of the contract must be greater than three months.
Goodbye to the month of waiting to collect aid
The document also contemplates the elimination of the waiting month to request aid assistance, from the day after unemployment runs out or you remain legally unemployed. You will be able to combine it with a job during the first six months of employment, without reduction in amount or salary.
Changes in the contribution bases for the future retirement pension
Another key point has to do with The retirement contribution bases for the 52-year-old subsidy are modified, whose objective is that from 2028, this contribution base will be set at 100% of the minimum base in order to collect the full retirement pension. However, a note to keep in mind. The reduction in the contribution base will only affect those people who become beneficiaries of this aid as of June 1. In short, for those beneficiaries of said contributory benefit prior to June 1, 2024, the contribution base will continue to be 125%.
But, What sense does it make to reduce the subsidy contribution base for those over 52 years of age? Well, as the rule explains, “previously, this excess contribution for retirement (125%) was needed because workers could not contribute enough to have decent retirement pensions,” explained the Secretary of State for Labor, Joaquín Pérez Rey, “without However, with the current SMI, the retirement contribution is decent and no longer requires that extra contribution that was a patch,” he added.
In this way, recipients of the subsidy will contribute 120% of the minimum base in 2024, 115% in 2025, 110% in 2026, 105% in 2027 and 100% in 2028, according to sources. knowledgeable of the definitive text.
Table of the new contribution bases since June
- During fiscal year 2024 The contribution base will be equivalent to 120 percent of the minimum contribution base of the General Social Security Regime in force at all times.
- During fiscal year 2025 The contribution base will be equivalent to 115 percent of the minimum contribution base of the General Social Security Regime in force at all times.
- During fiscal year 2026 The contribution base will be equivalent to 110 percent of the minimum contribution base of the General Social Security Regime in force at all times.
- During fiscal year 2027 The contribution base will be equivalent to 105 percent of the minimum contribution base of the General Social Security Regime in force at any time.