The Spanish alphabet is now made up of the following twenty-seven letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. An alphabet that, like the other Romance languages, basically used the Latin alphabetic series, which was adapted and completed over the centuries. Although traditionally “ch” and “ll” were also considered signs of the alphabet, they were finally excluded because they were not properly letters, but digraphs, that is, graphic signs composed of two letters. The combination of these twenty-seven letters forms, as we know, words, and they are what give meaning to our communication, it being estimated that Each person says about 15,000 words daily. And, among them, there is a letter that is used more than its companions, and it is not the “a”.
Although the letter “a” is the most common in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it is the letter “e” that is most pronounced. This is mainly due to the high frequency with which monosyllables are used. “that”, “the”, “himself” or “me”. In second place of use, there would be the letter “a”, and in third place the vowel “o”. Therefore, it is curious how of the 27 letters of the alphabet, the three most frequently used are vowels.
If we were to make a classification of the “top 10” most used letters by Spanish speakers, it would be as follows, starting with the most used and ending with the least used: e, a, o, s, r, n, i, d, l, and c. As for the least used letters, however, those positions would be occupied by the letters x, k, and w.