These are the only 3 mobile phones that are not iPhone among the 10 best sellers in 2023

2023 has once again been a great year for Manzana in relation to the iPhone, their main source of income. For the first time since 2010, it surpassed Samsung as the leading global sales manufacturer and the majority of the top ten best-selling phones throughout the year have been iPhone models, once again. It is true that iOS has given up a position to Android, given that in 2022 there were 8 iPhones included in the list and this year 7, but those 7, also for the first time, They are the first seven positions.

The data comes from global market research company Counterpoint Research and indicates that iPhone 14, 15 and 13in this order, they added the 15.8% of smartphones sold in 2023. If we add the sales of the following three models, all of Samsungthe percentage rises to twenty%exceeding 19% in 2022.

He iPhone 14 was the best-selling smartphone last year, but it did not add as many units as the iPhone 13 previous; 19% of all iPhones sold vs. 28% in 2022. The United States and India account for half of its sales.

Samsung's best-selling mobile phone drops this year from fourth position to eighth on the Counterpoint Research list. It is a terminal of the economic range from the Korean company, series A, like the next two. No Galaxy S The same situation as last year can be seen here.

He Samsung Galaxy A14 5G ranked 8th driven by high sales in the US and India. Notably, it was the best-selling smartphone in India in 2023. The only ones with capacity only 4G in the list, the Samsung Galaxy A04e and A14 4Gsecured the remaining two spots thanks to their affordability driving sales in emerging markets such as Brazil, India, Mexico and Indonesia.

The best-selling mobile phones in 2023.Counterpoint Research.

They are models that in Spain can be purchased at prices that they do not reach 200 eurosin the case of the Galaxy A14 5G, and just over 100 in the Galaxy A04e and A14 4G. Very far from Apple's, but with more than enough features for many users, especially with the Galaxy A14 5G whose sales represent the 1.4% of the total mobile phones sold in 2023.