In June 2023, the First Deputy of the Ombudsman, Teresa Jiménez-Becerrilreported in a letter that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, which directs Elma Saiz, had begun the procedures to establish reducing coefficients and advance the retirement age of national police officers in the Social Security system. We must remember in just six years, a retired national police officer loses up to 70,000 euros compared to a mosso or an ertzaina. For this reason, they demand a dignified early retirement, at 59 years old and with 100% of his financial contribution.
In that letter, sent to the police union JUPOL, they pointed out that the process was “in the processing phase in accordance with what is indicated in Royal Decree 1698/2011, of November 18, which regulates the legal regime and the general procedure to establish reducing coefficients and anticipate the retirement age in the Social Security system”. Likewise, he stressed that the ministry had initiated the “studies on accidents, hardship, dangerousness, toxicity of working conditions of the group of officials of the National Police Corps, its impact on the processes of work incapacity of workers and the physical requirements demanded for the development of the activity, as a prior requirement to the application of the reasons that include early retirement for this group “.
Well, this same week, the Institution that directs Angel Gabilondo has sent another letter to the agents to confirm that They have already started, “late” of course, the work within the corresponding technical tables to establish the parameters for early retirement of national police and civil guards. A document in which it specifies that the scope of negotiation, according to current legislation, corresponds to the Negotiation Tables referred to in articles 34 and 36 of the Basic Statute of Public Employees, “It is not possible to channel negotiation proposals outside of these tables.“, all without prejudice to the limitations imposed by the regulations and agreements in force regarding the matters under negotiation.”
The Ombudsman indicates in this new letter sent to JUPOL that the activity of the negotiation table of which the Administration and the union organizations are part materializes in some phases or procedures, which include proposals, deliberation and discussion and, when the case, agreement or total or partial disagreement. In short, he explains that there are already pre-established channels through which all these issues must be dealt with. Thus, once the pertinent work has begun in the corresponding technical tables, as demanded by this union, The Institution concludes its intervention.
Comparative grievance with mossos and local police
The Secretary General of JUPOL, Aaron Rivero, has shown his “deep satisfaction” for the start of this work, which responds to a “fair demand for equalization of retirement conditions” with the rest of the Police in Spain. In his opinion, the equalization of the effects of Royal Decree 1449/2018, of December 14, which establishes the reduction coefficient of the retirement age in favor of local and regional police officers“is perfectly applicable to the State Security Forces and Corps.”
In this way, Rivera insists that the reasons included in the Royal Decree, which allows the retirement of local and regional policeat 59 years old with 100% of their salariesare perfectly extrapolated to officials of the Civil Guard and the National Police, which is why “the legal maxim that, to same situation, same legal treatment“.
Currently, while a regional police officer can retire at age 59 with 100% of his retirement benefit, a civil guard has to wait until he is 65 to avoid seeing his pension reduced. There is always the option of retire early, between 55 and 58 years old, but they would not receive the full pension. In short, state bodies would suffer a remuneration loss of around 30% and in the best of cases they would end up receiving a pension of 1,623.85 euros compared to the 2,819.16 that a police officer receives. Thus, a Benemérita agent or a retired national police officer will earn up to 12,625 euros less per year than a regional police officer.