Study reveals presence of heavy metals in the drinking water consumed by communities that feed on the Southern Aquifer

An investigation showed the presence of heavy metals, toxic and carcinogenic, in the drinking water consumed by communities that are nourished by the southern aquiferwhich has been affected by the deposit of coal ashreported this Monday the College of Chemists of Puerto Rico.

However, the levels found in samples taken over a three-year period in Guayama, Arroyo and Salinas do not exceed the limits established by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, in English), the entity announced.

“These concentrations, whether low or far from regulatory levels, do not necessarily ensure the health of the people”, the doctor warned Osvaldo Rosario Lopezadvisor to the College of Chemists of Puerto Rico.

According to the expert, organizations such as the Health and Environment commission of the European Commission, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in English) and the EPA itself “recognize that the practice of “Environmental compliance regulating individual levels of different substances that represent risks to the environment and health are not sufficient to ensure the health of the population.”