After the electoral hangover on Sunday, the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, yesterday took on firsthand the four electoral setbacks that have weighed on her figure during the last four months and resigned from all her organic positions in the formation. Thus, just four months after being ratified as general coordinator of Sumar, the Galician minister resigned from her organic position in the alternative left, but she will continue in the Government as second vice president.
A decision that comes after the same election night, Más Madrid and Izquierda Unida pointed the way to Díaz, demanding an assumption of responsibilities and already warning that Díaz's project is “weakening.” And while the formation trusts in a “catharsis” that will help rebuild the space with its main allies, the former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias came out to criticize Díaz's resignation for being “the end of Sumar” and charged against it, to the which she defined as an “independent minister.”