Rafael Méndez Tejeda will write about climate in Spanish for Yale University

The climatologist Rafael Mendez Tejeda will participate as a regular contributor to the newsletter “Climate Connections”, of the Yale Universitywhere he will write – in Spanish – articles on climate, meteorology, climate change and impact of atmospheric phenomena, among other topics, for a non-specialized audience.

In interview with The new daythe professor of the University of Puerto Rico at Carolina and member of Committee of Experts and Advisors on Climate Change He indicated that, with his writings, he hopes to reach an audience that currently lacks true and accessible scientific information.

“I will have access to an audience, in Spanish, that lacks a lot of scientific information. The idea is to have scientific documentation, understandable and in Spanish, because there are many people who do not speak English, so they depend on translations or misinterpretations”held.

He said that Pearl Marvellone of the magazine's editors-in-chief, invited him to be part of the team of permanent collaborators, after having read his articles and his first book titled “Global warming: the human footprint”.