This Wednesday, the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, once again surprised everyone and everyone with an unexpected move. He published in X a 'letter to citizens' in which he expressed his doubts about continuing as president of the government after a court opened proceedings on an alleged crime of influence peddling involving his wife, Begoña Gómez.
The president decided to take a five day breakbecause apparently his job is easily expendable, to think about it and he sent all of us Spaniards to next Monday to find out if he finally decides to sacrifice himself for all of us and remain president of Spain Or does he prefer to leave the Moncloa Palace, his salary and his privileged way of life as the main authority of the state after the King and dedicate himself to living a simple life with his family away from the spotlight and the supposed ultra-right that allows him to live so little.
He skepticism The possibility of Sánchez abandoning the presidency is not only exclusive to all those who are not politicians, media outlets or social media speakers in favor of his government. It has also transcended borders and the news has been taken for what it is in prestigious media such as The Economistwhich has described Sánchez as 'drama king' in a play on the expression 'drama queen', or Bloomberg who even titled the news as 'Pedro Sánchez gives the country five days to think about what life would be like without him'.
Spain's Pedro Sanchez is giving the country five days to think about what life would be like without him
—Bloomberg Economics (@economics) April 26, 2024
The joke has not only been limited to some of the main media outlets on the international scene, but has also reached social media in the form of ingenious reinterpretations of his letter, written in 'her handwriting' according to Vice President Montorowhere artificial intelligence has been used to recreate it in various formats.
One of them has been like mexican corrido. Its origin is in Car Forumthe most visited Spanish forum on the Internet, and includes several fragments of Sánchez's letter that were reinterpreted with the help of AI as a theme from Mexican musical tradition.
Tremendous new thing from Pancho Sánchez
— Car Forum (@forocoches) April 25, 2024
Another example that has gone viral these days is Sánchez's letter to the citizens as if it were a ballad in the style of Alex Ubago.
🎙️ “A love stronger than power”
The letter about the possible resignation of Pedro Sánchez as president has generated a multitude of reactions on the networks, where they have even created songs about it ⤵️
— La Razón (@larazon_es) April 25, 2024
The use of AI to ridicule the political opponent is increasingly common, but at least it is appreciated that it does with a sense of humor, since the suspense over Sánchez's decision is non-existent.