The linguistic conflict over how to refer to the act of releasing gas from the stomach has always occurred between the words “belch”, “erupt” and “eruto”. Although “eructo” and “eruto” are the correct forms included in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academythere are still those who pronounce and write “erupt.”
Fortunately there is an alternative for those who always forget the correct form and prefer not to screw up. It's about “regueldo”a word whose use extends throughout Spain but is especially pronounced in Castilla-La Mancha.
The word that Don Quixote predicted would stop being used
Most likely, new generations are unaware of this term and, as Don Quixote predicted during a conversation with Sancho, this word has been eclipsed by other, more “elegant” ones.
Be careful, Sancho, not to chew on your lips or to burp in front of anyone.
“I don't understand that thing about burping,” said Sancho.
And Don Quixote said to him:
— Erutar, Sancho, It means “regoldar”, and this is one of the most clumsy words that the Spanish language has., although it is very significant; and, thus,Curious people have adopted Latin, and when regoldar they say erutar, and regüeldos, erutaciones, and when some do not understand these terms, it matters little, that use will introduce them over time, that they are easily understood; and this is to enrich the language, over whom the common people and usage have power.
“In truth, sir,” said Sancho, “one of the pieces of advice and warnings that I plan to keep in my memory has to be not to regift, because I usually do it very often.”
— Erutar, Sancho, not regoldar –said Don Quixote.
“I will say Erutar from now on,” replied Sancho, “and I hope I don't forget it.”
Other words from Castilla-La Mancha that you should know
- Achicharrao: being hot and sweating non-stop, burning under an intense sun.
- Apechusque: dizziness or fainting.
- Cachulera: house.
- Hare-eater: annoying person who insists so much that it ends up boring.
- Chamber: the attic of a house.
- Poultice: hot cloths to combat back pain.
- Cocote: the nape of the head.
- Desaborío: ungrateful and rude person who despises what is offered.
- From now to then: later.
- Fold the napkin: die.
- Ea: expression of surprise, astonishment or to start a sentence.
- In ca: contraction of 'at the house of'. Example, he is 'in ca' María.
- Stomachante: heavy person.
- Stranger: unknown person or person from another place.
- Golismero: person who likes to gossip.
- Mangurrian: refers to unintelligent people. It is also used as an informal greeting.
- Gorrinero melon: a melon that is still hard and cannot be eaten.
- Muchism: very much.
- Cock: throat.
- Gasnate: also to refer to the throat.
- Cudgel: staff
- Gobanillas: the wrist of the hand.
- Gorrinera: a pig farm.
- Sluts: stuffed like chistorra.
- Lazy: person who does not like to work.
- Get hurt: get hurt.
- Jalbergar: whitewash the facades.
- Jamaica: fainting.
- Lustrous: person who always looks good.
- Nena or nene: to refer to girl or boy.
- Matachines: people who killed pigs.
- Miaja: small amount of something.
- Morrón: high and prominent hill in a plain.
- Hating: expression of complaint, anger or recrimination.
- Obedao: respiratory tract. It is used in a choking situation: I missed it because of the 'obedao'
- sniff: smell.
- Ollería: pottery, place where they make clay pots such as pots.
- Palique: small talk.
- Placeta: small squares.
- Posh: expression to express surprise, denial or to send very far away: 'go to the posh'.
- Pestucio: when something smells bad.
- Rechisquero: suffocating heat of the sun.
- Rosettes: popcorn.
- Tonto el posh: form of informal greeting.
- Zapatiesta: hubbub, lack of control or fight.