Neither Catalans nor Basques: these are the “most hated” Spaniards in Spain, according to research

Seventeen Autonomous Communities coexist in Spain, plus Ceuta and Melilla. Each one of them has its style, its way of life and its customs, and all of them stand out for some quality that represents them. In itself, our country is loved both inside and outside the national territory, thanks to its culture, history, gastronomy or monuments, which makes it the second most visited country in the world and tourism as the main engine of the Spanish economy. A survey, likewise, has reflected the “rivalry” between regions and qualifies Which is the Autonomous Community most hated by Spaniards.

The survey, carried out by the “Electromanía” portal, was prepared from a series of questions asked of 1,600 people. In them, each community had to be rated from 1 (unpopular) to 10 (popular), in such a way that a classification would be made to know the most loved, and therefore, the most hated.

What is the least loved Autonomous Community in Spain?

One of the most notable findings of the survey is the sympathy of Spaniards with Portugal, as it reflects an average rating of 8 out of 10. It is even higher than the score it receives Asturias, with a 7.9, the favorite of the Spanish.

The north is the main “loved sector” of Spain, since Galicia, Euskadi and Navarra They occupy the second, third and fourth places in the classification respectively. Complete the top-5 of the most beloved Aragon.

Meanwhile, we can see Catalonia in tenth position, with a rating of 7, behind communities such as Balearic Islands, Valencian Community, Cantabria or the Canary Islands. The Madrid's community, for its part, somewhat lower, in fourteenth position, with a score of 6.6. According to this survey, the community of the capital of Spain would be rated worse than others such as Andalusia (with a 6.9), and the same as La Rioja and Castilla y León (both with 6.6).

In the part of the least loved ones, there is Estremadura (with a score of 6.5) and Castilla la Manchain sixteenth position, with a score of 6.2. The Region of Murcia, which tends to be popularly less loved, is in the top-3 of the most hated, but it is not the most hated. To the surprise (or not) of many, it would be Ceuta and melilla, both with a position of 5.5. So, These two autonomous cities are the least loved by Spaniards.

This is the complete ranking of the most beloved Autonomous Communities in Spain

1. Asturias – 7.9

2. Galicia – 7.7

3. Basque Country – 7.6

4. Navarre – 7.3

5. Aragon – 7.3

6. Balearic Islands – 7.3

7. Valencian Community – 7.3

8. Cantabria – 7.2

9. Canary Islands – 7.2

10. Catalonia – 7

11. Andalusia – 6.9

12. La Rioja – 6.6

13. Castilla y León – 6.6

14. Community of Madrid – 6.6

15. Extremadura – 6.5

16. Castilla-La Mancha – 6.3

17. Region of Murcia – 6.2

18. Ceuta – 5.5

19. Melilla – 5.5