Jihadist terrorists propose taking hostages in European secondary schools

“Ramadan is the month of jihad and martyrdom, oh supporters of the Islamic State.” In this way, a terrorist from the jihadist group begins his message to expose a plan of thostages in a school in Europe. Needless to say, the idea is celebrated by its supporters. In one of the official channels of Daesh, Isis, proposes the plan whose ultimate objective is the release of the relatives of the jihadists held in the Syrian camps under the control of the PKK.

The evil of some individuals who claim to act in the name of Allah has no limits: “Do you want to free the families of the united Muslim women and their children in the Al-Hol camp?” asks the fanatic on duty.

“The only solution now – it is answered – is to carry out hostage operations within the countries of the Crusade Alliance; For example, a group of staunch Unitarian brothers carry out a hostage operation inside a high school; and when the police come to negotiate, ask them to release all the sisters and their children in the Al-Hol camp. Otherwise, this armed group will kill the hostages one by one.”

And it offers details of how far the evil of the plan can go: “A brother of the group kills a hostage in front of the hostages so that the infidels know that we are not laughing and that we will continue killing all the hostages until the chaste and pure sisters and their children are freed.”. The true supporter offers his pure blood to break the captivity of his united sisters.”

He even suggests where another terrorist action could be carried out: “For example, if the Palestinian community residing in Denmark, Sweden and Norway were to kidnap Jewish hostages and demand an end to the war in Gaza, (otherwise their heads would be separated from their bodies), they would stop the war.” “You must wage jihad, O supporters of the Caliphate. Practice weapons, how to dismantle them and how to aim and shoot. A strong Muslim is better in the eyes of God than a weak Muslim,” he concludes.

The Islamic State does not need many initiatives or ideas to continue its criminal activity, but these types of messages must be taken into account by the Security Forces. Educational centers, as was evident in the Spanish Police operation in which a minor jihadist was arrested in Montellano (Seville), who intended to detonate a bomb against his classmates, have become one of the preferred targets of the terrorists.