The life journey of Isabel Preysler began on February 18, 1951 and did not arrive accompanied by any external sign to demonstrate that the newborn had been chosen by the gods to shine like a star in the pink firmament. Neither torrential rains, nor cyclones, nor anything that suggested that she would eventually become a unique character in the society press. María Isabel Preysler Arrastia, the third of six siblings from a middle-class family in Manila, has been and is one of the recurring elements in reflecting a type of characters whose public knowledge is through their emotional relationships.
She had three husbands and a Nobel Prize boyfriend with whom it did not end well. For eight years, Preysler and Vargas Llosa They were inseparable, until it came the end of a story of which there are still some data to be reflected and which I have included in my updated book «Isabel Preysler. Queen of Hearts» (Editions B).
From the passion with which they began the romance and which lasted eight years, they went to total detachment. They both locked the lock and have not maintained contact again. She even said that her breakup hadn't hurt her at all and, just a few months later, He left a phrase in “El Hormiguero” for posterity: “I have not only turned the page, but I have changed the book.”

The information did not fully correspond to reality, as I discover in the chapter referring to that moment in his life where a certain regret is demonstrated. In “Queen of Hearts” he explained what her previous breakups had been like, always marked by her falling in love with the next one. This was the case in the case of the Marquis of Griñón and Miguel Boyer. With the Nobel Prize the opposite happened and hence the information that she gave to her interlocutors about what had been the cause of the breakup, which was nothing other than jealousy. It was then that Mario's Latin character appeared in the face of what she considered lies.
The writer was not going to allow himself to be assigned an emotion that did not fit into his personality. «I may have many defects, but that is not part of my list. “I am not jealous, nor have I ever been.” The curious thing, and this is how I relate it, was that the one who did have a certain tendency to mistrust was Miguel Boyer. It is something that was already known from the mouth of the socialist politician's first wife, the gynecologist and writer Elena Arnedo.
night out
Their different schedules made it practically impossible for Vargas Llosa to reproach him, at odd hours for him, for having returned home late after having been the star at a party promoting a brand of champagne. “But let's see, if I get up at five-thirty in the morning and at ten at night I'm sleeping,” the writer replied. The reality is that the relationship at that time was more than touched, as stated in the book.

It has become clear that Isabel's life would make for a proper serial and not what has been broadcast so far. See the queen of hearts decorating her mansion for Christmas in a program that had been recorded in the month of August It didn't respond to what viewers would really want to see. Perhaps that is why it was not very successful and passed without pain or glory. In the professional section, her television forays as a presenter did not work. Isabel handles mystery better and a secrecy that now seems to have been broken. by advertising their outings on Instagram.

One of the most unknown data, and about which there has been speculation, is the exact date of their first meeting. How they met and how they fell in love. And finally readers will be able to discover it in “Queen of Hearts” (part two). And I transcribe it as it is: «When the courtship became official, in May 2015, the legends of how and when they had met returned and the most notable thing was why the writer had accepted an interview in July 1986 with a lady whose journalistic experience was zero. And not only that, but he was part of the jet group that he didn't like so much. Among those urban fables, it was said that it had been Julio Iglesia the intermediary and even thanks to the influence of Boyer, super minister, who was not yet an official partner. Neither one thing nor the other. The “cupid” between Preysler and Vargas Llosa was Mona Jiménez. The writer would be amazed by the amount the intermediary received: “A friend of mine told me that they would pay her a thousand dollars for her work as her intermediary if she granted the interview to Isabel, which she knew nothing about.”

Repeat matchmaker
It was his first contact. Nobody imagined (not even them) that many years later, in another century, they would close the circle. Mona Jiménez, journalist of Peruvian origin, She was known for her gastronomic meetings held in Spain in the 70s and 80s. The striking thing is that she was also the cause of Boyer and Preysler meeting at one of their famous lentils. They were meetings at noon at the Eurobuilding hotel, with politicians from all parties and businessmen, where there were no colorful characters. She went with her then husband, Carlos Falcó, and Miguel went with his wife, Elena. The Peruvian lady, who died in 2021, was the meeting point of Isabel Preysler's most famous romances, queen of hearts and unrepeatable figure in our social chronicle.
Tamara Falcó, the daughter who was born with a golden finger

The Marchioness of Griñón has managed to be its own product. You can promote any element, company and topic without making those who hire you feel like you are competing.. The carpentry that made your wedding altar advertises the same as the mattress where you sleep, including creams, perfumes, trips, jewelry and reproduction clinics. He doesn't blacklist journalists (I hope), nor does he veto anyone. Is a “goldfinger” (golden finger) in everything he touches.