Last Wednesday night, the Antena 3 television network premiered its new contest, 'The 1%'presented by the well-known Arturo Valls. This new program challenges one hundred contestants through questions which they must get right if they want to win the prize, which is a financial amount.
The difficulty of the questions is progressive as you get to the last question that a priori only 1% of the population would be able to answer correctlythat's where the name of the contest comes from.
The real protagonist on opening night was a young man named Guille from the Toledo municipality whose name responds more to a food: Cucumber. This Toledo native got all the questions right thus achieving the final prize of 96,000 euros plus the
Beyond Arturo Valls, the great protagonist of the night was Guille, a young man from Pepino (Toledo) who was able to answer all the questions correctly, thus surpassing the rest of the 99 contestants and taking home the final prize of 96,000 euros plus the 1,000 euros with which each contestant begins the challenge.
Guille was passing the rounds little by little until he managed to qualify for the definitive question that only 1% of the population can answer correctly. In this sense, the last question addressed two images which he had to observe and answer in less than thirty seconds exactly the remaining game time.
The tension was palpable, time was running out and Arturo Valls asked Guille: “You took so long, at what point did you realize the answer?”, to which the man from Toledo responded with a smile: “In the last four seconds”. After the brilliant response of the young man from Pepino, the spectators present on the set began to applaud since Guille's answer was the solution to the final question that allowed him to become the first winner of the 'The 1%' contest.