About once a week, WhatsApp updates some of its settings. And often one of the first to make them known is Mark Zuckerberg himself through his broadcast channel on this application. And that is precisely what has happened recently: Zuckerberg has announced that you can now choose “favorites” on WhatsApp.
Thanks to this option, each user will be able to quickly find the contacts and groups that matter most to them from the top of the calls tab and it will also appear as a filter in the chats tab. Another option to choose them is through WhatsApp Settings, as simple as tapping on Favorites > Add to favorites. In addition, can be reordered at any time.
To add chats to your favorites:
From the chats screen, select the “Favorites” filter and choose the contacts or groups there.
From the Calls tab, tap “Add Favorite” and select your contacts or groups.
Or simply manage your favorites in the settings. To do so, go to Settings > Favorites > Add to Favorites. You can reorder them at any time.
The selection It will appear in both the chat and call options.making it very easy to access selected contacts or groups. This option is currently being implemented and to access it you need to update the application. It may not be available yet, but Meta announces that it will be accessible to everyone in the coming days.
What is this for? We avoid having to search through the screen until you find the contact or group that we are looking for or having to type in their name. With this option, two taps are enough (selecting favorites and contact) to access the messages.