Experts predict a hotter 2024 than last year

With forecasts of a year even hotter than the past as a backdrop, the Committee of Experts and Advisors on Climate Change (Ceacc) plans to deliver, in just over a month, the plan that would govern public policy aimed at facing the challenges of this threat in the country, which would include, among other things, actions and recommendations against the extreme heat.

“(Extreme heat) is a major threat to the entire Caribbean. It is known as the silent killer and affects many aspects, such as health, agriculture, water availability, terrestrial and oceanographic resources and energy consumption, among others.he indicated this Tuesday Pablo Mendez Lazaromember of Ceacc, during the First Meeting on Extreme Heat in the Caribbean, which the Caribbean Climate Adaptation Network (CCAN) is holding this week in the Medical Sciences Campus (RCM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR).

Along these lines, the CCAN principal investigator and professor of the RCM Department of Environmental Health, highlighted that the Puerto Rico Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Plan will contain “concrete actions for schools and also available information on where “find the communities most vulnerable to heat,” as well as health recommendations on how to improve surveillance systems.