Castilla y León puts its Supercomputing Center “into orbit”

Little by little, without haste but without pause, Castilla y León advances in the digital transformation of society and in the development of advanced technologies hand in hand with scientists, researchers and the business community of the Community, with supercomputing as the cornerstone of everything.

The next step, and also imminent, will be the construction in the city of León of a new headquarters for the Castilla y León Supercomputing Center Foundation known as Scaylewhich will be located very close to the current one on Professor Gaspar Morocho Street in the Leonese capital and which, among other services, will house the supercomputer Calendula or to Scientific Data Storage Center.

To do this, the Board will invest 3.1 million euros and foresee un execution period of this project of 18 months, or what is the same, a year and a half. The proposed building will be built combining concrete and laminated steel structures, it will have a area of ​​approximately 1,500 square meters on a land of three thousand.

The building will be made up of two prisms joined by a covered space that serves as access. The first of them will be located to the north of the plot and includes the office area and the spaces that serve them such as toilets, meeting rooms or training rooms. The second, to the south, will contain the computer rooms and all the necessary technical spaces.

While the central space, which joins the two prisms, will be covered and will serve as access and distributor of the building and also as a multipurpose area or conference area.

“We want to promote a infrastructure of technological relevance at national and European level which is also one of the three Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures that the Community has together with the Center for Ultraintense Pulsed Lasers of Salamanca and the National Research Center for Human Evolution of Burgos”highlighted counselor María González Corral, while advancing that the construction of the new Scayle headquarters will be added to other planned projects that will cost more than 20 million euros in the current legislature.

The counselor highlighted the Board's commitment to this center in recent times, and recalled in this regard the 6.2 million euros financed with European React-EU Funds for multiply the calculation capacity by ten, which will allow “going from 800 to 8,000 teraflops” or, in other words, “going from 800 million to 800 million million possible operations per second” on the supercomputer. All this to respond to the growing demand from researchers and the scientific and business communities, as well as to make it the second supercomputer in the country after the one the Government of Spain has in Barcelona.

On the other hand, the supply and installation and commissioning of optical equipment for the Science and Technology Network of Castilla y León, known as RedCayle will have an amount of 4.4 million euroswhile there will be a commitment to technological infrastructure equipment to update the areas of data storage, networks and cybersecurity with an amount that will be around four million euros.

Corral visited the current Scayl facilities with the new director, Hilde Perez, industrial engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, who has just taken charge of this space, and who was excited about this new stage that is opening, in which The challenge has been set to put the Supercomputing Center “in orbit” of Castilla y León.

“The center is already laid out but now we want to go one step further and make it a leading place in this area throughout the world”it ended.