Bath of the PP masses in their trial by fire against the “traitor” and “liar” of Sánchez

“Spain against amnesty and corruption. Resignation now”, “Sánchez, traitor and liar” or “Rat sells countries” These are some of the messages that could be read, if not heard, at this Sunday's demonstration in Madrid. A call from Alberto Núñez Feijóo's PP to citizens to measure their strength in the face of the European elections that will take place on June 9.

Under a scorching sun, thousands of citizens (80,000 according to PP sources or 20,000 according to the Government Delegation) They have collapsed Madrid's Puerta de Alcalá to show “how angry they are with Pedro Sánchez.” This is the fifth demonstration against lies, hoaxes and government deceptions and, more specifically, against the amnesty law, which will be approved this Thursday in the Congress of Deputies. A fact that provokes the indignation of the opposition and that could well be summarized in the words of Fernando Savatercandidate for the PP in these European elections: “A country in which amnesty was given to criminals against the wishes of the vast majority of the population, it cannot be a safe country.

And if during the President of the Government's five days off the music of Rafaella Carrá and Quevedo was the main protagonist, on this occasion DJ Pulpo has brought in Rauw Alejandro and Ana Mena to entertain those gathered there. Thus, with entertainer included, cheers and applause, the leaders of the PP began to arrive: the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida; the Madrid president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso; the former presidents Mariano Rajoy and José María Aznar; as well as the leader of the PP, Alberto Nüñez Feijóo, and the party's candidate for the European elections on June 9, Dolors Montserrat. All the territorial barons have been present, except the Extremaduran, Maria Guardiolawho is still convalescing.

In this way, the PP emerges strengthened from what seemed like a complicated test before an electorate and a militancy that was already presumed to be tired because of so much protest in the streets. But far from being like that, Núñez Feijóo and the rest of the leaders have gathered strength for these last days of the campaign, marred by the diplomatic clashes of the Executive with Israel and with Argentina of Javier Milei. Because, even if the Government Delegation reduces the number of attendees to 20,000, there will still be more than those 12,500 who prayed at the gates of Ferraz that Sánchez did not resign. If that was a success, today is a success too.

Feijóo demands early elections

In his speech, Núñez Feijóo has ventured to ask Sánchez for early general elections: “We are tired. From arrogance, from lies, from selfishness. And because? Because they have sold all of us Spaniards for seven votes. Because we have a country that is stopped. And because we want Europe to look this way,” said the leader of the PP. And therefore, the only way out is to go to the polls again to measure the fatigue of the Spanish people with this Executive.

“I ask you to withdraw the amnesty law, to dissolve the Cortes, to call elections and let's go with the truth ahead, with freedom and democracy,” Feijóo asserted, while cries of “Sánchez resign!” . And, in Feijóo's opinion, the Government has undertaken a drift to “silence” those who think “differently.” “And that is why we are going to vote together to win, defending our country, which is how it is worth winning,” the PP leader insisted in his appeal to citizens to go vote this June 9.