The climatological characteristics of the end of the California peninsula, where Cabo San José is located, is predominantly dry, which represents a challenge in water management for the social, tourist, environmental and economic development of the area.
The project that Aqualia is now starting will promote the digital transformation of the management of the drinking water service to meet Mexico's sustainability and efficiency objectives, through objectives of maximizing the efficiency of its water supply system, eliminating the current tanning system and the reduction of drinking water losses.
All of this will mean the comprehensive improvement of the city's hydraulic infrastructure with an increase in performance to more than 75%, compared to the current 50%. The project also foresees the execution of works on the main aqueducts and the renewal of networks, meters and home intakes.
The actions contemplated in the project focus on the development of new technological solutions aimed at obtaining data in real time from the different points of the water cycle, the management and operation of networks in a centralized manner, the automated regulation of pressures, the launching work orders or digitizing the micrometer park. To this end, Aqualia has developed various intelligent management systems that revolve around a single, centralized intelligent platform, called “Aqualia Live”, capable of integrating all the processes involved in water management, incorporating new technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things or Internet of Things, in English), Big Data, Cloud Computing and AI (Artificial Intelligence), and whose purpose is to achieve more efficient and sustainable technical management of water.
Four phases in 10 years
Awarded in 2021, it is a public-private partnership formula in the Comprehensive Management Improvement (MIG) modality. The contract has a duration of 10 years, in four execution phases, a budget of 53 million euros and provides for a approximate investment of 32 million euros (600 million pesos), of which Banobras (National Bank of Public Works and Services) assumes 49%.
The first phase, which is now beginning and will end in May, includes actions such as the preparation of the registry of users and cadastre of Cabo San Lucas, the design of a hydraulic model of Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo and the realization of a project to sectorize the Cabo San Lucas hydraulic network, in addition to completing the replacement of household connections in the community of Miramar in Cabo San Lucas, which will benefit more than 1,500 families.
Next, in phases 2 and 3, the operation and maintenance of the entire drinking water network of Cabo San Lucas will begin, in addition to executing investments in the sectorization carried out in the first stage, through home intake replacement programs. , micro and macro measurement and telemetry, as well as detection, repair and control of leaks and necessary hydraulic infrastructure.
Finally, during the fourth and final stage of the project, the function is to operate and maintain in an efficient and fully sectorized manner the drinking water system in the service area, thanks to the investments and improvements made in the three previous stages.
The development of the MIG Project will generate a substantial change and improvement in living conditions for its 202,694 inhabitants, as well as a boost to the municipality's economic activity.
The MIG project is a public-private partnership contract with the Municipal Operating Agency of the Drinking Water System (OOMSAPAS Los Cabos), which provides a portfolio of 53 million euros and contemplates an investment of 32 million euros (close to 600 million pesos) for the modernization, equipment, operation and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructures.
The Mexican Government, through Branobras (National Bank of Public Works and Services) finances 49% of the total amount of the investment included in the project. The rest, as foreseen in the specifications, will be financed by Aqualia.