This Wednesday, May 22 20 years have passed since Kings Felipe VI and Letizia became husband and wife. They sealed their love in the Almudena Cathedral before thousands of people and millions of viewers who followed the ceremony on their televisions. The expectation was maximum not only because a royal wedding was finally celebrated in Madrid after almost a century, but because It was the marriage of the future monarchs at that time..
It was a day full of joy for the whole family, and although in the eyes of the public everything was perfect, the truth is that, as happens in all weddings, some guests were on the verge of ruining the big day of Don Felipe VI and Mrs. Letizia. One of them was Ernest of Hanover, known among the European press for their wild parties and weakness for spirits. As members of one of the most important dynasties of the Old Continent, he and his then wife, Carolina of Monaco, were invited to the royal wedding, but the surprise was huge when the car door opened and only she got out.
The day before the nuptials, a party took place, which he did attend with his wife. The sister of Alberto and Estefanía de Monaco was one of the most elegant and she trusted her fetish brand, Chanel, with a two-tone dress that had everything necessary to shine: chiffon, satin bows and feathers. However, her neat presence was somewhat tarnished by her husband, who did not know how to control herself and took advantage of her stay in Madrid to escape to the Joy Eslava nightclub. Those who saw him that day claim that he was highly intoxicated, and The hangover I suffered was so bad On the day of the wedding he had to be absent.

But Hannover was not the guest who behaved the worst at the Kings' wedding. Víctor Manuel and Amadeo de Saboya took the cake when they were involved in a violent fight that ended with King Juan Carlos I himself. intervening to separate them, an embarrassing scene which Jaime Peñafiel narrates like this in one of his opinion columns:
“Two other princes, Victor Manuel of Saboya and his cousin Amadeo of Saboya, got into a fistfight in the middle of Zarzuela where they had gone with other of the King's most intimate guests for a dinner after the wedding. Both princes are always pretenders to the throne of Italy. Don Juan Carlos, who tried to separate them, exclaimed sadly: 'Never again!'“.
Despite these incidents, Don Felipe VI and Doña Letizia remember this day as one of the happiest of their livesalong with the births of their daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía, who in a few years will give us new royal weddings -if they so wish-.